Breakfast for two.




Got the drive done and decided to cook breakfast on the gasser.
It's 17 degrees at 6:00, but the gasser didn't seem to mind, and fortunately we only got about an inch of lake effect snow.
I didn't get any pictures of the finished product. It didn't last long enough.
Nothing better than Bacon and Eggs cooked on Cast Iron.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope you all have a great day.
17 degrees Brrrrrrrrr! Noting better then a nice hot breajkfast on a cold morning to get the day started.
Looks great. There is something special about the smell of bacon cooking outside!

I know. I love the smell of bacon in the morning.
I hate to say it, but I like grilling when it's darn cold much better than when it's super hot.
The coldest I've ever been out with the grill was -3`F. I even had a few neighbors stop by while I was out.
Happy TG Mark, great looking breakfast. What is that white stuff, down here in south tx we don't see that white stuff but once every two decades.
Thanks everyone. And that white stuff is marshmallow fluff. I picked some for my hot chocolate.


