Hello Colin,
I'm a weekend smoker. I've cooked 2 full packers this size many times using my 22.5. After resting, I into 1-1.5 lbs chunks and seal in a freezer bag to be used for fast weeknight dinners. What I usually do is smoke as long as I can using one big ring of KO, maintaining temps between 220-260 usually to 160-180 internal temp; (8-11 hours of cook time, depends on ambient temp and wind). I then pan, cover with foil and cook in my gasser and kitchen oven at 350 until internal temps get to 205. I then drain the au jus for sauce and rest the meat for at least one hour in a ice chest with the meat wrapped in towels. Panning and covering the meat is important for me because I use the au jus for KC Burnt Ends sauce. While I rest, I separate out the fat from the au jus. After resting, I will separate cap from flat and re-wrap and store in frig overnight before I portion out and seal the following morning.
After one hour of rest (prep, smoke, pan/cover finish cook in 350 grill/oven then rest), total elapsed time is around 12-14 hours. YMMV
If you can get 14-15 hrs smoke time from one large ring, more power to you. The meat absorbs only so much smoke then the rest of the time is about cooking to tenderness.
I hope this helps.. Good luck.