Beer marinade help reduce harmful substances in grilled meats

Just to be sure, I use beer before, during, and after. One can never be too careful with this kinda stuff.
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I saw that today also. I cook with beer alot, more for stews, chili's and braised dishes. I tried a few marinades and liked them, but need to try different beers, not the cheap American swill I'm used to. I had a Brazilian black beer a few weeks ago and that was a lethal potion.:)

You're BAD!:D I nearly fell off my chair laughing at that...

Regarding the aritcle - most Europeans are convinced that beer is medicinal, period! When we were in Bavaria, a few years ago, I noticed that they delivered beer to you door just like milk men did here in the states when I was a child (and early in my married life). They BELIEVE in beer. My son, when he was in the service, lived across the street from a small brewery. The beer was so good it almost made a believer out of me! Weiss bier with the yeast - man that is REALLY good! A bottle of that beer and a part loaf of good German bread topped with local butter made a fine meal, I'll tell you!...

Keep on smokin',

I marinate mine in beer also, as im heating it up bite by bite to a precise warm 98.6F..... with suds.

don't lift the lid...

