Beef shoulder steaks?

Looks like bnls crossrib steaks. Would be similar to inside (top) round steaks. A little dry (so don't over-cook) and quite possibly tough. As a roast, crossrib is ok but steaks - meh. Bnls blade steaks are better (think of pork butt, but beef). Of course, a person can quite literally BBQ anything if taken the time and energy.
I've bought shoulder roasts which are lean and can be tough if overcooked. Marinate and cook rare to medrare. Think they would work fine for fajitas.
Basically this is part of the chuck roll. Should have lots of flavor, but 9 times out of 10 it is going to be on the tough side. If you cook it right it can yield great results, but usually it means low heat or indirect heat. I use this a lot on stir fry and fajitas. If you want it as a steak and are going to use direct heat you should consider marinating with an acid like vinegar to break down the sinnu (spelling?) tissue that makes the meat tough. Don't go too long or it will start to turn the meat mushy.

