Beef Back Ribs


Bob Bailey

About to do my first beef back ribs today. No shiners but pretty thin. Plan is to dry brine with SPOG for 2 or 3 hours and then onto the kettle with Cowboy briquettes and a nice chunk of hickory. Figure indirect at 250 +/-25. No wrap and spritz with water as needed. Will start probing at 200, pull when tender, tent & rest for ~20 minutes.

Suggested changes to my plan or other tips appreciated.
Looks like nobody thinks the plan needs improvement:) We'll see in about 3 hours. Just getting the kettle under control at ~290F and dropping. Been a while since I've used this one. Put the ribs on 15 minutes ago and they're sitting at 105F. Will update when I check in another hour.
They will be plenty tender at 200.
I did some thick ones not too long ago and ate them about 200.
Basically you want tender for sure but if you are too low the beef can almost seem pasty like when the fat is just about there.
You will know, be prepared for the best thing a bbq can make….beef ribs in my opinion are the pinnacle of bbq.
I went out and bought 2 more thick racks the next weekend.
The thickness will without a doubt determine how long they take…mine took 2 hours longer than I thought they would.
Sorry, no pics.
Turned out very tender at 202. Was disappointed in the flavor, or lack thereof. Not surprised, considering they came from Safeway. Their beef is the bottom rung on the choice ladder. Can't complain too much since they were free :) At least I'll be confident when I cook some nice ones.

