Beanie Weenies made with aged Kiolbassa sausage


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Our old Montgomery Wards upright freezer was hiding 3 Kiolbassa sausages with a sell by date of July 2019.
If this was a self defrost freezer, I would have tossed them, instead I grilled them.


Cut one up for some Showboat brand pork & beans for lunch.


Still very tasty, even though the casings were harder to chew up than when fresh. The other two will get "skinned" before eating.
I'm on a saltine cracker kick, eating them with sardines, kippered snacks, chili, cheese, and soup.
For some reason we had stopped buying them, instead we've bought Town House, Ritz, and oyster crackers.
I tried Carr's water crackers once, BLECH!
Apparently your appetite is great, Bob! :) I love finding surprise gifts in the freezer, and these look tasty. I find that freezing sausages definitely has an effect on the casings, too, but either skinning them or cooking them hot on the grill usually works pretty good.

Enjoy your lunch!

I dare say I've dived into the freezer a lot deeper that that. I believe I've kept it in the same decade though. I would take a double bowl of yours Bob. I love saltines also!
you da man Bob. The miracles you work never cease to amaze. come to think of it we stopped buying saltines too and I can't remember when was the last time. gonna have to remedy that.
Very nice, Bob. I can appreciate your saltine kick. I've been an addict since I was a kid. I was known to come home from school and eat an entire sleeve of those things. I will still put down a pile of 'em with a bowl of soup.
I was on a big saltine kick a few months back too! I put just about anything on them! That is one of my all time favorites, beans and sausage, sometimes with cornbread! My dad used to make them when we would go camping!
Have you tried the mini saltines? The best for soup! Nice bite sized saltines.

Would've worked well in your beanie weenie dish!
My dad would of had me up and out the door at 3:00 am to make him some of those he absolutely loved them made that way.... Saltines are the best ... Oyster cracker's are great with clam chowder not as good as sour dough bread but dang near.

