Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Certainly not for me, just give me a grill, bag of charcoal and a match.
Link here.

"Instead of simply monitoring and relaying temperature, the BBiQ works within specific recipes, letting you know when it's time to turn the meat, when it's time to season it and when it's time to pull it off. The BBiQ also helps in coordinating multiple-food meals, outlining what to put on the grill first, indicating how long to wait before putting the next food on, and even suggesting where to put each item on the grill."

If you go to the link, be sure to scroll down to the first comment. :)
edit to add a pic.
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Thanks but I’ll pass. Looks like it’s taking something that’s simple, fun and enjoyable, then making it too complicated and a lot more stressful. Nowhere does it tell you when to get another beer.
C'mon, what happened to relax and have a beer while you grill. A product designed to fool
you into believing that it is better than your brain and experience.
Oh, on their first comment on the Gizmag BBiQ page, that probe sounds painful.
It might sell better if they packaged it up as a talking robot.
Hmmm...I guess that monitoring the doneness of your food by simply looking at it and checking its texture is becoming obsolete. This is the grilling equivalent of cars which automatically parallel park for the driver.

