Advice - Smoking a Flat Cut Beef Brisket (First Time)



New member
Hi everyone. This site and these forums have been invaluable. I'm going to attempt my very first brisket smoke tomorrow. The brisket that I have is a flat cut, 7 pound, USDA Choice, Cryovaced brisket. I will be attempting the "high heat" method that is detailed here:

My question is, the instructions at the link are for an untrimmed, 10-12 pound brisket. What major changes should I make to my preparation and cook since my brisket is 7 pounds and flat cut?

Thanks for the time.

I would wrap at 160 and start checking for tender after 1.5hrs to be on the safe side. I do 12 pounders in 4-4.5hrs going HH.
I bet yours will probably be about the's only shorter, not thinner. I most likely wouldn't trim it.

