A warning about disposable lighters


Ron A

An interesting and potentially disastrous thing happened to me this weekend......

After buying my WSM 18.5" about 18 months ago, I bought a nice 7' X 3' composite patio bench/box to store all my gear (charcoal, smoke wood, smoker cover, starter chimney, etc.....). Some time back, I must have left a package of disposable lighters in the patio box as well. I know this because in the middle of the afternoon yesterday I heard a rather loud explosion outside while sitting in the living room. Thinking one of the neighbor boys was blowing off fireworks, I was ready to go next door and give them the "what for". When I opened the door to the patio, I found the lid of the patio bench/box blown completely off. Sitting about 10 feet from the box were several pieces of clear purple and red plastic that obviously used to be a disposable lighters. These were some of those cheap (made in China, Mexico, Viet Nam, etc....) lighters one would get in a multi-pack at the Dollar Store. I recall buying the pack of lighters, but never remember using them. Now I know why. They must have fallen into the bench box at some time.

As best as I can tell, the bench was sitting in direct sunlight and it got too hot inside the bench, causing the liquid propane in the lighters to expand and eventually explode. The alternative is that one or more of the lighters was simply defective. Either way.......BOOM!!

Here's the scary part....... I usually store the extra 5 gallon propane tank (for my Weber Genesis) in the bench/box as well, to keep it dry and free of rust. I had taken the tank out of the box on Friday and swapped it with the empty on my gasser. The empty was secured in the back of my truck to get it refilled the next time I went to the gas station. I can't imagine what could have happened if a full propane tank was inside the bench when the lighters exploded.

Some add'l rules to now follow:

1. No propane or butane lighters of any type stored outside in the storage bench box.
2. No propane tanks (full or empty) in the storage bench box.
3. Never buy lighters from the Dollar Store.
4. Whenever possible, place composite patio boxes in shaded area of patio.
Good advice. I knew a guy who had a lighter on his dash for some reason and he came out to a blown out windshield.
Sometime around a year ago I got in my truck and found some black plastic chunks. I started looking to see what was broken hoping it wasn't someone trying to break into my truck..... bic lighter. It happens. I think it was sitting in a cup holder in the center console.
You should have already known this truthfully lighters explode fairly easily under high temp
A little harsh there Colby.
My late friend was a Green Beret and he, along with some of his comrades, tried 40 ways from Sunday to explode butane lighters.
Trust me, these guys know about this kind of stuff, and it didn't happen.
I'm not saying they can't, under some circumstances, but it is not very common as you seem to believe.
A little harsh there Colby.
My late friend was a Green Beret and he, along with some of his comrades, tried 40 ways from Sunday to explode butane lighters.
Trust me, these guys know about this kind of stuff, and it didn't happen.
I'm not saying they can't, under some circumstances, but it is not very common as you seem to believe.

It's those "Perfect Storm" conditions that will bite you in the butt.
Good on Ron A for the heads up post.

Did I ever tell you the story about the rag soaked in linseed oil sitting out in the sun.....?
Awww, I remember when there was a time when we would toss these into the camp fire just to watch people jump and spill their drink
Bob, wasn't trying to be harsh but whenever someone's lighter got low around here they threw it at the ground and it would pop off like a firecracker and I believe there is even a warning on the lighter or the box/bag it came in
yea i had a cheapo lighter explode in my truck once, luckily while i wasn't in it but i came back and saw bunch of plastic shards everywhere and assumed the lighter exploded, no other damage though, better safe than sorry
Colby, I didn't take your remark as being "harsh" but go back and re-read my post. I didn't even realize there were lighters in the patio bench/box. I bought the lighters to have in the house (we have three wood-burning fireplaces). These were also really cheap, clear plastic lighters (made in China?). As I said, it was either the heat causing the fuel to expand (these were brand new, in the package) or one or more of the lighters was structurally defective (or a combination of the two).

Either way, my post was just a friendly warning to others, especially if you own or use those cheap clear plastic disposable lighters.
Like it's been said before, the tone in written words can easily be misinterpreted .
So when I read "You should have already known this" I heard a tone, often used by me, back when raising my kids.

Thank you Ron for the heads up!
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Like it's been said before, the tone in written words can easily be misinterpreted . So when I read "You should have already known this" I heard a tone, often used by me, back when raising my kids.

I SO know what ya mean, Bob. As an example, I've learned it's best to avoid text discussions with my daughter on all issues pertaining to her university re-education. :(
I've learned it's best to avoid text discussions with my daughter on all issues pertaining to her university re-education.

So true. So very, very true. My daughter is the queen of texting but she knows now to call me if she wants to talk about school stuff.

Growing up we used to buy them and take them and smash them on the asphalt to watch them explode, so yeah I can see that happening easily. Thanks for the heads up.
Mythbusters had to get the temp up to 350 F for one to explode.

Around 1980 a story was widely circulated that a welder had a lighter explode, killing him, when a spark hit the one in his pocket.
Later proved false, but the story is what made my friend and his buddies try to explode them.

I do not doubt for one minute Ron's or anyone else's story, it's just that in my case, after using them for over 34 years, never had any problems.
Bob: Any idea why type of lighter the Mythbusters used? MY guess it was a Bic lighter instead of the cheapo clear plastic type. The material Bic uses is markedly different (stronger) than the plastic used in the Dollar-store versions. Regardless, whether it was the heat or simply a product defect, I'm not taking any chances with disposable lighters. I'll stick to wooden matches from now on

BTW, I'm going to run a test this weekend and track the box temperature using my Maverick. We're supposed to have sunny weather and temps in the mid-70's (normal for Seattle) so I'll checks the temps in the box (empty and full, shade and sun) and provide a report on Monday.

