Thanks George. I ended up finding both an unused older style gas go anywhere and an almost new q100 on the cheap!
I also looked at a new style go anywhere and decided it was a significantly worse design than the older GGA with a dedicated flavorizer plate.
I've used both the Q and the GGA numerous times and have come to a couple of conclusions..
The GGA is much more portable than the Q. The GGA would be ok to carry to a campsite or even in a backpack for a picnic lunch. The Q requires two hands to carry and would not really fit in a backpack. It's more of a tailgate style grill than the GGA.
The Q is heavy but out of the box it cooks much better, the heavy cast iron grate and aluminum body do an amazing job with heat retention. I'd say it cooks just as good if not better than a full size genesis, if the size and single burner fits your needs.
I initially had some real frustrations with the GGA. It would get super hot but left no sear marks and if you took the lid off even for 30 seconds it would lose all of the heat. Since it's porcelain coated metal there's no mass to hold heat. The grates are really thin, too thin to hold enough heat to sear - they cool off as soon as the meat touches the grate.
So... I tried putting my lodge cast iron trivet on the grate and it works amazing! It's heavy enough to keep the heat up inside the grill, and holds enough heat to create wonderful sear marks. I used the Q and the GGA with trivet side by side and they now cook very similar.
If you have a GGA I high suggest either finding a really thick SS grate or going with the craycort cast iron grates!