First time smoking a rib roast


Tom L


Cleaning out the freezer! I follow Malcolm Reed on his channel, How to BBQ Right and followed his recipes. He seems like a really great guy and has a ton of info for people who like BBQ, can’t recommend him enough.

Onto the WSM at 275 until it was supposed to hit 129...

My one major mistake was that I should have checked it on the smoker with my Thermapen since I wanted it a little more than 125 for my guests but it was still really good!

Very juicy and extremely tender.

Delicious but a little too pink for some of the guests. Luckily this was just one of many delicious items. Everyone brought something great.
Slice me up some of that goodness Tom. I also know that look when some people say its not done.;)
WOW! When I read the thread title and didn't see what forum it was I thought you were seeking advice. That's a beauty from start to finish!
Looks outstanding Tom. I can imagine a big slice of that with some straight horseradish and a glass of red wine...... or a beer. ;)

