Silencing Alarm using Buttons


Kiaikai B

New member
The alarm on my Heatermeter will not silence when using the buttons on the device. It does silence when using the gui and the red popup window. This is when then alarm in in "ring" mode.

Is this normal behavior? If not is there a setting that I've overlooked? I read a post suggesting that a button press would also silence the alarm.

The buttons seem to respond normally (scrolling options, deactivating Lid Open mode, etc)
This is a regression! Thank you for reporting this bug. Please flash your AVR Firmware -> From Online Repository -> snapshots/trunk/heatermeter.hex and the buttons will once again disable the alarm as they're supposed to.

This will also be in the next openwrt firmware as well.
Thank you! About the time I can't figure out what to do I blame the software :) so this is validation! I'll update and try it out.
Also, thank you for such a fantastic platform! Did you literally create that patch today? Outstanding!

Completely resolved!
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