What is a pork shoulder blade roast?



I'm cooking for a friend who just lost his sister to cancer yesterday and came across a pork shoulder blade roast at the grocery store. It looks like BB but I'm not sure it's the same cut.

Can somebody help me out with this and explain the difference in the 2 cuts, if any?

"Pork shoulder is the top portion of the front leg of the hog. The terminology for pork shoulder can vary widely depending on the region. However, the lower ‘arm’ portion of the shoulder is most commonly called the arm pork roast. The upper part of the shoulder, often called the blade pork roast, comes from the area near the loin and contains the shoulder blade bone."

I always find the regional "terminology" interesting. I would like to get a pig and beef "map" from my LOCAL guy so we talk about the same piece. I have found variances even across the state, let alone from above or below the "Mason-Dixon line!"
The current thing around here is to call a (strangely enough) piece of sirloin a "petite filet" when I called a "box emptier" (certainly not a butcher) on it, they back pedaled and hemmed and hawed about it. The competence of meat counter/department people is crap. They were stocking underpants a week before. Find a real butcher and use them, take them some finished product if you're proud of it, they will watch for you and appreciate your business!
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I always find the regional "terminology" interesting. I would like to get a pig and beef "map" from my LOCAL guy so we talk about the same piece. I have found variances even across the state, let alone from above or below the "Mason-Dixon line!"
The current thing around here is to call a (strangely enough) piece of sirloin a "petite filet" when I called a "box emptier" (certainly not a butcher) on it, they back pedaled and hemmed and hawed about it. The competence of meat counter/department people is crap. They were stocking underpants a week before. Find a real butcher and use them, take them some finished product if you're proud of it, they will watch for you and appreciate your business!

Underpants? Do you mean shorts?

