How To Get My Attention


Chris Allingham

Staff member
It's hard for me to follow every post in every thread in every forum. To be honest, depending on what's going on in my life on any given day, I may just have to click "What's New" and scan some of the recent posts for the day and not read any of them in detail. Some days are just like that. :(

If you ever need to get a hold of me, just click "Contact Us" at the bottom of any page and send me a message. That generates an email that goes straight to my inbox, and I will read and respond ASAP. If I'm out of town or dealing with something urgent going on in my life, it may take me a couple of hours or even overnight to get back to you. Thanks in advance for your patience!

I never intentionally ignore posts directed at me, but I do sometimes overlook them. If you really want me to reply to your post, it's a good idea to PM me and include the URL to your post, so I can make sure to look at it and respond. You can get the URL for any post by right-clicking on the post sequence number, which is on the right side of the header for each post, then choosing "Copy link address" and pasting that into your PM. For example, for this post of mine, you'll see the post sequence number is "#1".


