These are other useful resources concerning Weber products and the
wonderful world of barbecue.
Weber Customer Service |
- Product Information
- Replacement Parts
- Upgrades
- Assembly Instructions
- Troubleshooting
Phone: 800-446-1071 Fax: 847-705-7971
Web: Click on
"Service & Maintenance"
U.S. Mail: Weber Customer Service Center, 250 S. Hicks Rd., Palatine, IL
60067 |
Books & Videotapes |
Smoke & Spice: Cheryl Alters Jamison and Bill
Jamison, The Harvard Common Press, 1994. ISBN 1-55832-061-X $17.95 If you
buy only one book about barbecue, this is the one to get. Lots of good information
about the art of barbecue, many delicious recipes, and some interesting tips and trivia
thrown in for good measure.
Paul Kirk's Championship Barbecue Sauces175 Make-Your-Own
Sauces, Marinades, Dry Rubs, Web Rubs, Mops, and Salsas: Paul Kirk, The Baron of
Barbecue, The Harvard Common Press, 1998. ISBN 1-55832-125-X $11.95 This
book contains basically the same discussion of "spice theory", rubs, and sauces
that you'd get at one of Paul Kirk's barbecue classes. Lots of interesting recipes,
as well as a primer on the basics of equipment, fuels, barbecue technique, and barbecue
meats. A great addition to your barbecue library.
Smokestack LightningAdventures in the Heart of Barbecue
Country: Lolis Eric Elie, Photographs by Frank Stewart, North Point Press,
1996. ISBN 0-374-52438-6 $25.00 Lots of great stories and pictures about
the men and women devoted to the demanding art of barbecueing. Covers the history of
barbecue, regional barbecue, competitions, with some recipes are thrown in, to boot.
Well written and very entertaining.
Paul Kirk's Barbecue Videos: K.C. Specialties,
P.O. Box 8293, Shawnee Mission, KS 66208-0293 800-689-6409 (code 95) or 913-384-7367 A
series of three informative videos from the Baron of Barbecue, 7-time barbecue world
champion. Volume 1 covers ribs, chicken and basic rubs. Volume 2 covers
brisket, pork butt, and basic barbecue sauces. Volume 3 covers whole hog, salmon,
lamb, turkey, sauces, and rubs. $29.95 each or $75.00 for all three, plus shipping
and handling. |
Accessories |
Cooking Thermometer/Timer Model 362: Polder Inc.,
800-431-2133 ext. 245, $30; and The
Barbecue Store, $29 This device is gaining popularity in barbecue circles. It
gives very accurate internal temperature readings without having to open the cooker.
The temperature probe is connected via a long cable to the display unit located outside
the cooker. The unit includes a temperature alarm and a timer. Consumer
Reports (December 1997) had nothing but good things to say about this product. |
Smoke Wood |
Peoples Woods:
75 Mill Street, Cumberland, RI 02864 401-725-2700, 800-729-5800, Fax 401-421-5120 If
you don't have a good local source for smoke wood, check out Peoples Woods. They
have a nice selection of wood chips, chunks, and lump charcoal...also a variety of
barbecue accessories, sauces, herbs, books, videos, and more! Call for a brochure. |
Spices and Sauces |
Mansmith Enterprises, Inc.: P.O. Box 376, San Juan
Bautista, CA 95045 800-627-4981, Fax 408-623-2150 Adjacent to the San Andreas
Fault, Mansmith makes a variety of barbecue and grilling spices, as well as the versatile
Mansmith's Gourmet Barbecue Paste. Gift packs are available. |
Associations |
Kansas City Barbecue Society: 11514 Hickman Mills Drive,
Kansas City, MO 64134 800-963-5227 This organization promotes the sport of
barbecue and is the sanctioning body for many barbecue competitions across the U.S.
Their monthly newspaper, KC Bullsheet, is filled with coverage and photos from
various competitions, plus ads for a wide variety of barbecue-related products and
services. Membership, including the monthly paper, is $30 per year. |
National Barbecue Association: P.O. Box 9685, Kansas
City, MO 64134 816-767-8311 NBBQA is a trade association for individuals and
barbecue businesses. Benefits include a monthly magazine, Barbecue Today,
an annual Barbecue Buyers Guide, discounts to an annual conference and trade show, a
membership plaque, and other promotional materials. Membership for
individuals/hobbyists and businesses are for current membership fees.
California Barbecue Association: c/o Frank Boyer, 21911
Bear Creek Way, Los Gatos, CA 95030-9497 408-354-4693 CBBQA has a two
chapters, one in Northern California and one in Southern California. A monthly
newsletter and chapter meetings for enthusiasts are offered. CBBQA organizes a
variety of barbecue classes and events featuring barbecue experts like Paul Kirk (the K.C.
Baron of Barbecue) and Smokey Hale. CBBQA also sanctions the California State BBQ
Championship (a KCBS sanctioned event). Membership includes a monthly newsletter.
Individual memberships are $25, small BBQ businesses $50, and large BBQ businesses
Big Apple BBQ Association: c/o Richard
"Smokey" Alexander, 7 East 14th St, Suite #919, New York, NY 10003
212-989-0021 Fax 212-727-3808 |
Central Texas Barbecue Association: P.O. Box 4566,
Temple, TX 76505
Send $15 for a one year membership. |
East Texas Barbecue Cookers Association: 2709
Cedarcrest, Marshall, TX 75670
Receive Pit Talk when you join for $15 a year, or $50 for a lifetime membership. |
Greater Omaha Barbecue Society: 4928 N 105th, Omaha, NE
68134 402-493-1474
Send $20 for a one year membership. |
Greater Wichita Barbecue Society: c/o Russ West, 2135 N
Riverside Blvd, Wichita, KS 67203 316-264-5115 |
International BBQ Cookers Association: c/o Tom Kennedy
Send $20 for a one year membership. |
Lone Star Barbecue Society: P.O. Box 120771, Arlington,
TX 76012 817-261-9507
Membership is $20, and an additional $5 for a spouse. |
New England Barbecue Society: P.O. Box 2079, Hanover, MA
Send $25 for membership and 12 issues of Burnt Ends. |
North Texas Area BBQ Cookers Association: P.O. Box 3024,
Denton, TX 76201 817-382-1942
Send $20 for a one year membership. |
Pacific Northwest Barbecue Association: c/o Bob Lyon,
4244 134th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98006 206-643-0607
Send $10 for 4 issues of Drippings from the Pit. |

Weber Logo, 1997 Weber-Stephen Products Company
Smoke & Spice Book Cover, 1994 Cheryl Alters Jamison & Bill Jamison, The Harvard
Common Press
Thermometer/Timer Photo, 1997 The Barbecue Store
Paul Kirk Logo, 1997 Paul Kirk
KCBS Logo, 1998 Kansas City Barbecue Society
NBBQ Logo, 1998 National Barbecue Association
GHBBQS Logo, 1998 Greater Houston BBQ Society |