Chicken/Turkey sausage recipes


PJ Polke

TVWBB Member
Spring is in the air here in NY...finally! After winter grilling, time to fire up the smoker. Who has a good chicken sausage resipe? Need to shed a few winter pounds before I make pork sauage /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Turkey Sausage (10 lb)

From "Great Sausage Recipes and Meat Curing" (3rd edition), pg 250, by Rytek Kutas.

[I don't see why you couldn't use chicken with this as well - keri]

7 1/2 lb turkey
2 1/2 lb fat pork butt
4 Tbs salt
2 tsp Instacure No. 1
3 Tbs powdered dextrose
1 cup soy protein concentrate
4 cups ice water

Grind meat through a 3/16" or 1/4" grinder plate. Add all ingredients except water and mix thoroughly. Place the meat in a food processor, adding some of the water as you go along to help emulsify the meat.

The mixture is then stuffed into 32-35 mm hog casings and linked into 5" to 6" pieces. Allow the sausage to dry at room temperature while you preheat the smoker to 130 F. Keep sausage at this temperature for an hour. Increase temperature to 150 F and hold for one more hour, applying the smoke.

The temperature is then raised to 165 F and maintained until an internal temperature of 160 is reached. Remove it from the smokehouse and shower it with cool water for 20 minutes. Place sausage in cooler and store overnight before using.


This book is looked on by many as the "sausage bible", and a must-have for sausage-making. I've not tried this particular recipe myself, but I've learned a lot from it [the book, not the sausauge], and most report excellent results from this highly-rated book.

Keri C, still smokin on Tulsa Time
Thanx, keri. I'll have to come up with a few of these ingredients and maybe even get the book...We'll let you know how this works out with chicken.

