Snowmobilers Beware!

What a couple of complete morons! They obviously took a pass when common sense was being handed out.
Up here that is a criminal offense. It is a darn shame that moose didn't kick the beejeesus out of them. Or their sleds. One could only hope they get nailed by the authorities or another moose next time.
Just wondering how funny the guy thought it was while he was chasing the moose down the trail.. "Ha ha dumb stupid moose!"..I guess the old saying don't rattle the bears cage works for moose as well. And my favorite line of the video clip.."fire a shot in the air!".. Right next to his head, and thinking not where the bullet would wind morons! It was a good thing this was late spring, because as these idiots found out, when you mess with the bull, you get the horns!! (Sorry, I couldn't resist)
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I love it! What morons. I'm not anti-gun, but some people simply shouldn't have them and this video proves it.
sometimes we'll see them while riding mtn bikes, off the trail at 100 yards usually....... they still scare me enough to wait for the last rider to get by in case the animal gets spooked...

I loved the guy's "move along" gesture :rolleyes:
I had a bull moose running along beside me through the bush. I didn't want to stop but I also new the trail made a 90 degree turn right in front of him in a hundred feet so I gunned it and made the corner and he just kept going straight after I crossed in front of him. It was a little scary because those guys are big. I also came face to face with a wolf once. I sat looking at him and he sat looking at me and then he hopped off the trail and disappeared. We see lots of wildlife when out sledding but we try our best not to bother it.
I love it! What morons. I'm not anti-gun, but some people simply shouldn't have them and this video proves it.
Actually they shouldn't have snowmobiles! They obviously don't have common sense knowledge in the use of them in the wild.
I had a bull moose running along beside me through the bush. I didn't want to stop but I also new the trail made a 90 degree turn right in front of him in a hundred feet so I gunned it and made the corner and he just kept going straight after I crossed in front of him. It was a little scary because those guys are big. I also came face to face with a wolf once. I sat looking at him and he sat looking at me and then he hopped off the trail and disappeared. We see lots of wildlife when out sledding but we try our best not to bother it.

I saw a gray wolf one time..... we'd just finished a mountain bike ride (Guardsman Pass to Mill D)... We shuttled (left one car at the top, one at the bottom). I had a beer or 2 in my backpack and I wanted to see the stars so I said I'd wait with the bikes while the other vehicle was retrieved. Anytime a car came I'd cover my eyes a bit to make sure I kept my night vision so I could see the stars. I heard something move up on the hill nearly 100 yards away, shined my flashlight & it drove the wolf back behind a bush (I could still see it). I was a little nervous, all I had was a leatherman Skeletool but I did my best to get ready to aerate that MFer if it came too close. That was a long 30 minutes or so :)

