Same Question Different Twist


Tim W.

New member
Stoker or Guru? - I know, I know it get old... sort of like the cello on or cello off question on a cigar forum.

That said, in my specific situation:

I have a classic WSM with a prefectly functioning guru competitor used in conjunction with a maveric e73.

I have managed to cobble together all the parts to make another classic WSM (still need to get grates but frankenstein is almost alive).

I doubt I will ever get a third WSM unless it is the 22. Even if I go that route, I doubt I will ever fire up more than 2 WSM at the same time. Usually I will only be using one.


The stoker would be nice and would almost be a no brainer to me if starting from scratch. That said I am not starting from scratch.

If going guru I would lean pitminder rather than competitor because I really do not use their meat probe and could save $$.

Any thoughts? Trying to be frugal, (not cheap... cheap would be to just use the darn things as designed w/o ATC) but also realize frugal sometimes does not mean the cheapest option long term.
I am a stoker guy and suggest going that route.

But being frugal ... I'll bet there are a bunch of used Gurus for sale now that the new one is coming out. Or is it out yet?
pitminder is discontinued

It is? It still shows on their site unless I am using an old link.

I want to go stoker... but if I do there is more of a wait involved for $$ and my OCD issues tend to spike.
You are right. I read that it was discontinued in their newsletter. They might be just selling out existing stock.

If you get one ask if you'll be able to get replacement probes for it in the future.

Personally I would put it up for sale for $200 excluding the mount which you can use with your stoker. Then you just need to cough up a few more $$$ for a new Stoker.

I called they will still be supporing the Pitminder eventhough it's discontinued.
If anyone wants to sell a used ATC let me know.

Tim ,

Let me know if your interested in selling.I also want a stoker myself but just have had bad luck with the cars lately ,seems my money goes to car repairs.


