What if I did a 3 month long cook?


D Peart

Would the graph get so large that it would start to lag and not work well? Just curious as to how well the graph displays large amounts of data.

Nope, the graph is a maximum 24 hour rolling window of data. Actually is is 4 rolling windows with various resolutions for 1 hr, 6hr, 12hr and 24hr views. Because of that the database is actually a fixed size.
So that means anything over 24hours won't be saved in the graph, or just not displayed. I've not looked that closely at the code, I guess I should just go do that.

It is saved, just up to 24 hours worth. 480 points, each being the average of 3 minutes of data. When a new point is added the oldest is discarded.

There had to be a hard limit because of the database file format. There's a couple of things that rely on that limit now, like the auto-scaling and auto-refreshing of the graph.

