Beef Burritos


Shawn W

TVWBB Emerald Member
Beef Burritos
3lb chuck roast
16oz tomatoe sauce
16oz hot tomatoe sauce
12oz tomatoe paste
1 envelope taco seasoning
2-3 cloves garlic crushed
1 tsp ground cumin

Combine all ingrediants except roast, mix well, set aside. Sear all sides of roast in roast pan over high heat with some bacon grease. Remove from heat. Pour tomatoe mixture over roast.

Bake roast in covered roaster used to sear the roast at 250ºF for 6 - 8 hours or until shredable. Remove roast, skim fat off sauce. Shred roast removing anything that you don't want to eat. Return to sauce and mix it in.

Serve burrito filling in flour tortillas with your favourite burrito fixings, cheese, veggies, sour cream, hot peppers etc. A nice way to heat the tortilla up is in a large fry pan over medium heat, one at a time 10 - 20 seconds per side. Use your fingers to keep it moving around, flip it and do the other side as well.

I started doing these burritos before I had my WSM. Now I'm thinking it might be great to try this recipe in an uncovered casserole dish in the WSM with hickory or mesquite to add some smoke. If the tomatoe stuff gets too dry by the end just add a little salsa or something. Or perhaps add 1/4C of water to the sauce at 3 and 6 hours, stir and dump some over the roast again

*This recipe ingrediants came from a book named Wild About Southwest Cooking
Hi Shawn,
Dean has done some things along those lines in a dutch oven inside the wsm. I wonder if that would work?

