Sweet Tea Vodka - How?



TVWBB Olympian
I had a couple of shots of sweet tea vodka ordered for me a couple of weeks ago, served up neat.

Before I go & experiment I thought I'd post what's bouncing around in my head, ways to duplicate this ? southern drink.

Pour some skyy vodka into a jar, steep some loose tea leaves in it for ~10 minutes, strain, then maybe in a double boiler warm the vodka/tea mixture enough to absorb some honey.

Chill ---> Drink

With me so far?

OK, that's all I've got.

Get a 750ml bottle of vodka of your choice.

Remove 4oz of the vodka (and drink it).

Take 10-12 teabags of your choice. Squash one bag at a time into the bottle, leaving the string outside the bottle. (Or use 10-12 tsp of loose tea and add directly to the bottle.)

Replace the cap. Shake the bottle well.

Store in a cool dark place for 7-9 days. Shake once or twice a day. The color should be rich.

At the end of the period remove the bags or strain out the loose tea, returning the vodka to the bottle.

Make a simple syrup: Mix one part water with one part sugar (say 1 cup of each) and bring to a boil on the stove, stirring frequently, so the sugar completely dissolves. Remove to a bowl. Cool

Pour one ounce of the tea vodka into a glass. Measure out how much simple syrup it takes to sweeten it the way you'd like. Multiply this amount by 20. Add that to the bottle. Shake.
I'm a few steps ahead of you bud
got my first batch on ice

I'll try your way next

What kevin said about flavouring Vodka works great. Its common in Sweden to do just that.

But he forgot the most important step!

Once flavoured you have to boil it for 20 min
<span class="ev_code_GREY">*Joke*</span>

