Rib Rack: Dowels & Butcher's Twine


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Diamond Member
For those who know how to tinker, would a dozen 3/16th" wood dowels and butcher twine make a good rack?

One dowel then a rack of ribs then a dowel, add another rack then a dowel. Tie each dowel to the next or just weave them together. Put as few or as many together as needed. Add two dowels on the bottom so none slide out. Ribs lay on their side edge like other racks. This rack fits any size ribs that fit the cooker, as many or as few as you choose to cook.
Easy clean. toss the string wash the dowels.

Dadgum this might work, am I missing something?

Maybe you need four hands to assemble?
So you basically end up with a nearly solid stack of ribs, with the dowels between to maintain spaces for heat and smoke to come up through? You may have something there. For easier assembly, could you drill a hole in the end of each dowel, and run a single string (with a knot at the end) through however many you need - then when you have the stack assembled, just pull the string tight and tie it to the last dowel?
Hey Steve, after you rig up your contraption (rib raft)
Take some pics.

