Twice Bakes Taters w/Buckboard Bacon



Fry up some buckboard bacon, and when it's done, throw in a chopped onion in the grease and let them carmelize. Meanwhile back or nuke 2 good size taters until almost done.

Cut in half lengthwise and scoop out the innards, leaving enough around the skin to support the walls of your "tater boat."

In a bowl, mix the bacon, onions, tater scoopings with butter and sour cream. Add in shredded cheese (whichever sounds good to you).
All proportions are to taste, but I like a lot of everything!

Sprinkle the boats with Dixie Dust or Tony C's or whatever type of rub you like. Now sprinkle the mixuture in the bowl. Fill the boats with the mixture and bake until the cheese is good and bubbly.

Now that's good eatin right there, I don't care who you are!

