Don, the set up I used on the pulled pork was a first for me and seemed to work the way I wanted. Might need to mod it a little due to my flare up when getting the grill up to temp. I use other smoking methods as well. In a nut shell, I went to Lowe's and bought an adjustable ss master forge heat deflector or vaporizer bar, removed the rear most flavorizer bar on the grill, adjusted to width and set the master forge bar inverted on the lip that the stock bars sit. The master forge bar fit perfect and filled the space between the back of the grill and the next flavorizer bar. I loaded it with dry wood chips and large chunks of wood. It doesn't take long for it to start smoking. Based on my flare up that day and the next day grilling Mahi Mahi, I will probably get another MF bar, drill some holes in it and set it on top of the other. I believe this should reduce the flare up. Anyways, after the flare up I just shut down the back burner and just ran the front. It kept smoking and I even added wood. Oh, and I used 2 large weber drip pans filled with water under the grate and meat. Temp held pretty steady with little adjustment. Probably could have ran hotter based on the amount of time it took for 8 lbs. I even left the house for an couple hours and was the same temp when I returned. I have pics of how I set it up but posting pics seems difficult.