slow&easyPork w/ planked taters ON THE SLIDE


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
wonderful zucchini from our wonderful garden


soak a hickory plank in cold water for over 3 hours


2 inch thick "pork steak" marinated in Wickers


then seasoned with pig rub from Jacob's of Appleton


using a lot of used kingsford, the snake routine was employed with hickory


after two hours


hunks of homemade bacon to keep the cook smiling....


and more of the pork


now, comes the fun part.
mashed up some buttered gaaaalic Yukon potatoes... lettem sit for a while, then....
plopped em on the water logged hickory plank

seasoned it with Penzey's Adobo seasoning....
got the 22"OTG hot as instructed (up to 350ºF)...



20 minutes later, I though we were in Saint Louis toto....


thought little about it... so I went in to wash some dirty utensils...
and broke a favourite plate.


after I cleaned up my mess, I went out to check on the mashed spuds


HOLY ****! What else is gonna go wrong??!!
cleaned the fricken mess off the grill, formed the potato loaf again.....


without showing it again, the dam thing slid offanother time....
I took it in the house with four letter words streaming from this former altarboy's mouth.
**** me off!
go for it, call me a fanboy, altarboy, whateverboy!
Zucchini took over the grill...

potaotes sat motionless in the kitchen


zukes like... done.


and finally get to eet....


it was all good!


Check this out... weird ****! eh?




Anyway, thanks for puttin' up with my BS!
you guys are therapy....
enjoy the evening!

now where did I put that bottle of rum.....?
Its good to see I'm not the only one that has issues from time to time. Great looking meal despite you minor setback though!!!
by the way, I did send a nice, but personal, email to the company that I bought the planks from....
not looking for reimbursement, just to inform them of a customer problem/irritation. ;)
Awesome looking food Jim! I haven't had that problem yet with that companies planks, but
it gives me something to look for. Hopefully it was just a weird one in the bunch!
Definitely one of the funnier posts from you Jim (from this point of view). Sorry for the problems; the food looks awesome as usual. Cheers my friend.
Please don't take this the wrong way, Jim, but this is a fantastic post!!! And of course, the food turned out great. Without a doubt, you are the man! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you ALL for your kind responses! :)

Its good to see I'm not the only one that has issues from time to time. Great looking meal despite you minor setback though!!!
keep kickin', eh, John....?

I haven't had that problem yet with that companies planks, but
it gives me something to look for. Hopefully it was just a weird one in the bunch!
Hope so Mike!

Definitely one of the funnier posts from you Jim (from this point of view)
Gary, every now and then, I try to come up with a moronic post that opens eyes.... Thanks buddy, you caught me! ;)

You could make a really nice mini canoe from that, or maybe a canoe paddle, or a .......zucchini griller.:o
Mike, it's already in production! :rolleyes:

Please don't take this the wrong way, Jim, but this is a fantastic post!!! And of course, the food turned out great. Without a doubt, you are the man! Thanks for sharing.
Mike..... what in your message am I not to take the wrong way....? ? ? :o

Great cook Jim! Even though it was a little "warped" :)
Thanks Roger.... goes with my territory... see, I'M a little warped.:cool:

Thank you ALL!
Jim - really a great post. You're a story teller and this is a good one - or at least an entertaining one. Plated pic still looks good. I got a pizza peel that looks like your the saying goes, s happens!
Not without its challenges, but it still looks like the meal turned out great.
That's the Lampe signature design on that plank. The meal looks great as well. I'm big on zucchini this summer. Looks great.
At least you didn't call it an 'epic' failure :) All's well that end well, and I'm sure the rum helped things end well. BTW, were the taters on long enough to pick up any of the wood flavor?
Thanks everyone:)
you're correct JimMcK, S happens;)
Brian, to tell the truth, no, I did not taste any smoke flavour on the spuds...
and yes, the rhum smooths out the entire day....

Very entertaining thread, and the food came out great, as usual. Just goes to show it can happen to anyone.
I first thought that someone in the neighborhood was shooting off fireworks......Now I know where it was coming
I think next time, use a brick on top of the mashed potatoes will solve the problem. It's a good thing you have a sense of humor Jim.
That last pic looks great. I bet it tasted just as good.
Thanks for sharing.
I finally figured out how to post on Photbucket......Can't figure how to get them on WSM.
Some day when your in the neighborhood,please stop by.ok!(beer is cold!).

