Nicely Modified 22" WSM in Kansas City



TVWBB Member
I was doing my semi daily Craigslist search for anything Weber and I saw this post for a 22" WSM in Kansas City. Noticed the price was $480 and wondered what the heck new ones are $399 everywhere. It is a little pricey for me right now since I just dropped a chunk of my "mad" money on a newer table saw. Otherwise I'd be real tempted. Here is the link.

This thing has been up for a couple of weeks it feels like. Think you could get him down a price a little.
It was a used Delta 10" contractors saw that had an HTC mobile base, HTC outroller table, and a Biesemeyer 31" saw fence
480 is not a bad price for the work he put into it...
Looks Very Nice!

"I will also include the extra ring to double your cooking capacity. "


