Frijoles Puercos (pork beans) Mexican style


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Here's how we do our frijoles Puercos. This are our all time favorite way to eat beans.

We start by soaking the peruano beans for 2 hours. Then simmer beans for about 2 hours until done.

Then chop up some 1 lb bacon and 4 hot dogs and cook not all the way but 3/4.
Cook 1lb of chorizo and again cook on 3/4 of the way.

Add the ingredients to your beans and simmer for 30 min. We also add 8 oz of jalapeño slices with juice and all.

Do you use fresh water or cook the beans in the same water they were soaked in? Also is that for one pound of dried beans?
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Navy beans are usually soaked in water and baking soda. Don't use salt at this point as it will toughen the beans. Rinse the beans and then use fresh water. Having said this, look online and you will find : 1) the same method 2)different method completely or 3)a hybrid of this. Picks your method and eat your results.

I'm guessing but his quantity looks like 1 lb.
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I only soak my chickpeas with baking soda when I'm making Hummous. I never tried it with other beans.. I just found a company "Rancho Gordo" that I've been ordering dried beans from. They are all heirloom varieties. I just ordered their big 20 (20 different varieties). I think I'm going to try this recipe. I noticed some of the beans they recommend changing the water and some beans not.

