Fan running constantly


Chris Dowling

New member
Finally got round to using my HM 4.1.4 for the first time today and all seemed to be working well until I noticed the temperature had massively overshot the target. The display was showing fan speed of 0% but when I checked I could hear that the fan was still blowing. Upon further investigation it seems that the fan is blowing constantly regardless of what the screen shows the output to be.

This is the first soldering I've ever done so I'd not be surprised if I've messed something up. Here are some photos of my handiwork, I hope someone can help!





is there stray solder between the center and right leg on Q3? (Top side of board)... and you should trim down those long dangling leads on some components so they don't short out.
For the first time, it looks pretty good.

As for the soldering if take your soldering iron and hit each solder joint that has a point on it. You want a nice round, somewhat looks like a pyramid. Your joints are known as "cold joint" and just need some more heat. Make sure you hit both the pad and part at same time.

I think Ralph saw the same one I also see, make sure you cut the leads short
Thank you so much guys, there was a bridge at Q3 that I hadn't spotted and removing that has fixed it. I'm really excited to give it a proper cook now!
Absolute noob question - what kind of tool should I use to trim the long leads? I'll sort them and re-do my cold joints at the same time.

