Install Help


Joel Dietz

New member
I assembled my first HeaterMeter v4.1.4. Installing the software it hangs up at this spot. What am I doing wrong?
I have the same problem with my new build.
I get a litter farther but get a screen telling me how to make a cocktail.
I assumed that you would only need the file correct and not any of the other files.
All i get on my HM led screen are blocks.
Any help/tips/trouble shooting would be greatly appreciated.

I have the same problem with my new build.
I get a litter farther but get a screen telling me how to make a cocktail.
I assumed that you would only need the file correct and not any of the other files.
All i get on my HM led screen are blocks.
Any help/tips/trouble shooting would be greatly appreciated.


If you have a screen on how to make a cocktail, you should be good to go.

Hookup a network cord, plug power it in, wait for the ip address to show on the LCD, navigate to that IP via a web browser and setup your options.
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If you can a screen on how to make a cocktail, you should be good to go.

Hookup a network cord, plug power it in, wait of the ip address to show on the LCD, navigate to that IP via a web browser and setup your options.
Ok so I plug in a network cord into the Rpi and I should see a ip address on the LCD nav to that ip and I should be able to config the HM?
Ok so I plug in a network cord into the Rpi and I should see a ip address on the LCD nav to that ip and I should be able to config the HM?

Yes, The ip will only show for a couple of seconds The default user name is root and there should be no password. (Highly recommend you set one after logging in)
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You can run 'ifconfig' to see your IP after you login

# ifconfig 
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr B8:27:EB:8C:2B:8C  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:190 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:190 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:53148 (51.9 KiB)  TX bytes:53148 (51.9 KiB)

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 48:02:2A:9F:A6:C2  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:1789875 errors:0 dropped:1927125 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:63454 errors:0 dropped:1 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:437909131 (417.6 MiB)  TX bytes:34746491 (33.1 MiB)
It should detect a blank chip and flash with the HeaterMeter software. However, if it's not a "factory fresh" atmega, it might abort to preserve anything already on the chip. If you see the mixed drink recipe try typing `avrupdate` and it will attempt to flash the chip again. If you see something like this
Stopping LinkMeter OK

LinkMeter platform is BCM2708
AVR fuses ffd705 OK

                          b108383042a62f5977c245d134bb9e43  /tmp/hm.hex
hmdude: compiled on Jul 13 2014 at 10:48:38
Using port: /dev/spidev0.0
Loading ihex file: "/tmp/hm.hex" (23604 bytes)

    0% |                                                  |     0 (0.0s)
    0% |                                                  |     0 (0.0s)
    5% |##                                                |  1182 (0.1s)
   10% |#####                                             |  2362 (0.2s)
   15% |#######                                           |  3542 (0.4s)
   20% |##########                                        |  4722 (0.5s)
   25% |############                                      |  5902 (0.6s)
   30% |###############                                   |  7082 (0.7s)
   35% |#################                                 |  8262 (0.8s)
   40% |####################                              |  9442 (0.9s)
   45% |######################                            | 10622 (1.1s)
   50% |#########################                         | 11802 (1.2s)
   55% |###########################                       | 12984 (1.3s)
   60% |##############################                    | 14164 (1.4s)
   65% |################################                  | 15344 (1.5s)
   70% |###################################               | 16524 (1.7s)
   75% |#####################################             | 17704 (1.8s)
   80% |########################################          | 18884 (1.9s)
   85% |##########################################        | 20064 (2.0s)
   90% |#############################################     | 21244 (2.1s)
   95% |###############################################   | 22424 (2.3s)
  100% |##################################################| 23604 (2.4s)
Update successful
Starting LinkMeter OK

Done uploading
Then the flash was successful and maybe you need to adjust your contrast potentiometer (the small blue part next to the LCD) with a small screwdriver. If that makes no difference, then you've got a bad connection to the LCD/shift register somewhere. Does the LCD backlight come on?
Is it normal not to see the "no pit probe" message when you first power up the HM 4.1.4?

If there is no probe connected to the pit probe connector, you will see that. If you do have a probe connected then something is wrong and you need to check solder and make sure all components are correct.
I've tried a couple things. I have 3 different SD cards I've been trying with the install image from the wiki link. According to the "console hang" wiki I can press enter and get the cocktail. ifconfig says the ip address as but I have an Apple Airport which assigns ip addresses as I cannot connect to the HearterMeter from my browser. Is there a way I can get the HeaterMeter to change the ip address?

And I do not get the "no pit probe" on the display.
Joel, the things I posted above apply to you as well. Your SD cards are fine, there's nothing wrong with your OpenWrt, but either the AVR isn't flashing or your contrast is wrong.

ifconfig only will show you the first address assigned to the ethernet adapter which is the address. To see what dhcp address it got, you can use `logread` then look for
Jul 21 23:21:20 OpenWrt daemon.notice netifd: lan (499): Lease of obtained, lease time 86400
Except in your case it will be like 10.0.1.x probably
Thanks Byron. I found my address but it still won't connect and it doesn't display the "no pit probe" which makes be think I have a bad connection.
Thanks Byron. I found my address but it still won't connect and it doesn't display the "no pit probe" which makes be think I have a bad connection.

Take a few close up pics of your heatermeter board and post them to somewhere like flickr, dropbox, google drive, etc. to see if we can spot anything obvious.

Here's the front and back. I did mess up the initial install of 74HC595 8-Bit Shift Register and installed another one. The soldering iron got a little close to the Rpi connection and its a little melted but I fixed that.

