For Sale: 4.1 Board and "Most" components needed


Charlie H

New member
So i have a spare 4.1 board and most components required for a HM build.

Things definitely not included:
- Raspberry Pi
- Case
- Blower/Valve assembly
- Probes
- 4x jack sockets (for the probes)

Im pretty sure I've got most of the other components, i know I'm missing a couple of capacitors but these would be easy to source yourself or i could probably source them for you.

I had most of these pieces shipped in from the USA so for anybody in UK/Europe looking for components this could be helpful.

If anybody is truly interested then let me know and i will work out exactly what I've got and whats missing and work out a price. If interested i could even solder it all up and test it for you.


Hi Charlie, I might well be interested.

I have nearly assembled all of the components needed for my 4.1.4 build. The only things I think I am missing are the ATMEGA chip. They were on back order from Mouser.

I may have also bought an incompatible screen too. So if you see what you have that would be good.

I haven't really ever soldered anything before- so this is going to be a baptism of fire for sure!
Ok, so here is what I've got:

1x Printed PCB
1x Joystick Switch
1x Joystick Switch Button/Cap
3x 0.1uf Capacitors
1x Yellow LED
1x Mosfet
1x 24v to 5v PSU
1x Trimmer Pot
1x Connection Header Strip
1x 4.7k ohm resistor
1x 8-bit shift register
3x 2.2k ohm resistor
1x 680 ohm resistor
1x 16mhz resonator
1x 3.3v voltage regulator
1x Newhaven LCD Screen
1x Green LED
1x Red LED
4x 45v transistor
1x 100uf capacitor
1x 28 position socket
1x piezo buzzer
1x ATMEGA328
1x 26pos connection header
1x 10k ohm thermistor
1x 22uf capacitor
1x power jack
4x 390 ohm resistors
3x 1k ohm resistors
6x 10k ohm resistors
1x rj45 socket

items i think I'm missing
2x 1N4001 diodes
2x 100uf capacitors
4x 2.5mm mono sockets

Not really interested in selling bit by bit, so if somebody wants the whole lot then price is £60 including shipping to anywhere in the UK.

