If your fire is dying, And you have char-baskets.............


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022

I'm doing a butt for SD9, didn't pack my lump like I should have, and my fire was getting a little weak after 7 hrs.
So I started a basket with Kb, just barely lit, and slid it though the door of my 18.5.
Working like a charm!

don't know, maybe this is an old idea.
That's thinking outside the... well, not the "box", but outside of the... "smoker" doesn't work... neither does "basket"...

but you know what I'm sayin"! :D

It's a new Idea for me and I bet for a few members here. This probably better than my usual way.. Throwing handfuls of coals in the cooker. Thanks Bob.

