

Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I did a 23 lb-er this year. I fired up the WSM at 0430 with 2.5 chimneys of unlit lump and lit another chimney of lump. I brined the bird overnight in veg stock, candied ginger, alspice berries, and peppercorns, placed a few sprigs of rosemary and a cpl stalks of sage, and an onion in the cavity. The fire was burning clean by 0530 so on she went. She was done at 1000 so I removed the mid section with the bird and lid and placed it in a water heater pan to use as a warming oven. (If I wrapped and put in a faux cambro I would loose the beautiful crispy skin.) It worked like a charm.






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Good looking bird; nice color. How'd it turn out?


Thanks. It turned out great. Not too much smoke. The top portions of the breast were a bit dry IMO, but friends and family argued saying it was not. I really liked the "warming" oven idea because the skin was still crispy when we ate.
It worked like a charm and I will definietly hold anything I want to perserve the bark this way vs the faux cambro. I think I will pull it about 10* under target temp to let it coast up to temp using the "WSM warming oven" because it definitely held the heat.

