Spanish Pork Chops


j biesinger

TVWBB Platinum Member
we grew some red noodle beans that we wanted to pickle. Unfortunately, the crop was small and ripened in intervals. By the time we had a nice bunch, the early fruits had dried on the vine. I cut them all down, and my daughter and I shelled them all, and probably got a cup and a half's worth of dried beans.


I soaked the beans for 24 hrs, and it only took about an hours worth of simmering (with a fresh bay leaf) to get them fully tender. I rinsed them and let them cool.

Berkshire chops were liberally salted and allowed to come to room temp on the counter. Before grilling, they were patted dry and rubbed with pimenton and a bit more salt. Chops were on the grill until the coolest, internal temp read around 125*


The chops were plated with a bean and chorizo salad, patatas bravas, and a salsa verde

That looks outstanding and the plated photo is incredibly appetizing. Thanks for taking the time to walk us through it.
Looks like a vary tasty meal, as usual when you post something. Everything looks fantastic, I especially like the salsa verde on the plate.
Nice meal! Other then cooking to tender pretty quick was there anything of note in regard to the red noodle beans?
thanks everybody!

Nice meal! Other then cooking to tender pretty quick was there anything of note in regard to the red noodle beans?

they had a little fresher taste, but I don't think there is anything unique about the flavor of the bean. The whole ripe pods are quite impressive (16-20" long) and would have been fantastic pickled. I saved about 20 seeds and I'm hoping to have a bigger crop next year, so maybe we can pickle a few jars over the growing season.
Man! that looks so professional, great job jb. I love salsa verde, That looks like it's from a recipe book or mag, nice.
too pretty to eet

...............................yeah, who am I foolin'??!!

I'll bet everything tasted like HEAVEN!
Beautiful meal Jeff, as always. How did you make the salsa verde? It's such a vibrant green.


it's a Thomas Keller recipe so it's pretty ridiculous. You blanch the herbs, which I didn't do last time and it turned very dark. I promised myself I'd try the blanching next time, and I'm glad I did. In addition to staying greener longer, the herbs broke down into a smoother puree (last time the sauce kind of "broke" and looked oily). Keep in mind, I did blanch, but I still skipped passing it through a chinois.
I think I need a bumper sticker that says WWTKD?
Delicious dinner Jeff. My wife and I have a similar problem with "small crops" in our little corner veg garden. I sympathize with your bean crop problem. I love okra, but I think we need to plant a half acre to get enough for a single dinner... oh well.
Almost missed this one. Been away a few days and i have unread stuffs on page 2!

Super looking chops/plate/pics Jeff!

