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  1. P time, don't forget the drip pan (PICS)

    Got it. Thanks!!! Looking forward to trying the recipe next.
  2. P time, don't forget the drip pan (PICS)

    I searched to see if I could find Kruger's recipe for gyros and couldn't find it. Could you share that detail? Thanks in advance!
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    Why bother?

    Nick, I'm sorry to hear you received such discouraging comments. While it is certainly easier (and sometimes cheaper) to buy food already prepared, there's a certain pleasure one takes by doing it yourself. Personally, I'm frequently gratified by my friends' compliments when they partake in my...
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    WSM EZ-Que

    Hmmm, unless they're going to come out with a new center piece ring (like they do for the kettles), I'd think the EZ-Que will be spaced too far from the heat source. Regardless, I have on ez-que for my kettle and one for my gasser. They work great and I really like the baskets. Finally, I'd...
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    Apple Smoked Turkey

    Michael, that really looks great! Dino, that's a great idea, smoking turkey legs at the same time with ribs. Can you give some details on how you did yours? Specifically, how you prepped the turkey legs (Did you brine first? Do the drums finish earlier than the ribs? Generally, how long do legs...
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    Tri-Tip Rubs

    The Santa Maria's Rub listed above is my all time favorite. Highly recommend grilling rather than BBQ. Not to mention ... its just so simple and everyone at your table will simply love it!
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    London Broil?

    Kevin, that's really interesting information and thank you for clarifying. Never made sense to me that some meat counters referred to some cuts of beef (usually a large hunk of beef but smaller than a flank) as London Broil. I went to look at a few recipes for Beef Jerky and noticed they too...
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    5 pound butt at the 4 hour mark

    You're doing just fine. Since it's your first cook, resist the temptation to lose valuable heat by peaking.
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    First post, new WSM, looking for ideas for a novice first smoke

    Jason, since this is your first cook in the WSM, many of us newbies discovered the WSM to run a little hotter the first time than subsequent cooks. But, if you're doing a butt, it will be very forgiving. Good luck and have fun!
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    Simple brine for a small wild hog ham?

    David, back in August I did a small wild hog (piglette) in my WSM. I injected it (rather than brine) the night before I smoked it. It turned out OK (I'm not a big fan of wild pigs). I shared it with some of my friends and they thought it turned out pretty good. It was still a little tougher than...
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    WSMing a Wild Boar Shoulder? Doable?

    Phil, I have shot many wild boar along the Russian River. But, have never smoked one, yet (can't get past that gamey flavor). Anyway, if you do smoke that hunk of meat, please post your results as I am curious as to whether or not to smoke one in the future. Personally, I would think there may...
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    WSM Butts- Closing Vents makes it Hotter???

    AZ, did you say your WSM was new? I think that many WSM users discover the first time they used their WSM that it did run a little hot the first time. I have read many theories (like the internal surface of a new smoker is a mirror finish causing temps to be higher) but, I don't know. All I know...
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    Sugar alternatives for rubs

    Adam, what a great price saving tip! Who would have known?!
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    Kevin K's brined salmon

    Craig, is Kevin K's salmon brine link you referred to the one under the cooking tab?
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    WSM experiment...Short Ribs

    Henry Joe, I think I have a picture in my mind of what these ribs look like ... but, when they are done, could you post a photo? Sounds interesting. Let us know how they turn out as I've never thought to try cooking short ribs on the smoker.
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    Brisket Emergency - Help!

    Maybe try boiling some water and checking to see what temperature your probe reads. Naturally, if at sea level, it should be about 212 degrees.
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    Rust and a Dent

    If it's a tiny dent, I wouldn't fret. It's a battle injury ... it adds character. Chances are, even if you take the dent out, there will always be a slight imperfection that will bother you. I'd just remove the rust and use a little high heat paint to prevent any further rust.
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    Guava-Baby Back and Spares Pictures

    Nice rack! I'm going to have to get me a couple of them. Thanks for the link.
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    Which MM? - Informal Poll

    Coffee can in the middle.
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    Jerky(venison)first time...wsm or other smoker?

    Gary, I'd be very interested in your recipe. I always have my deer processed by a butcher ... so, which of the venison cuts do you recommend to use? Thanks! -Phil

