Search results

  1. J

    HeaterMeter 4.3 webpage timeout

    Hi, My HeaterMeter is connected to my wireless network (confirmed by looking at the router Map), but when I open the initial webpage The device says Timeout. The IP address is correct. What would cause this? Thanks, Jeff Lavin
  2. J

    2 new HeaterMeter build not working at all

    Hi, I successfully build a HeaterMeter v4.3 a couple of years ago and decided to build two more for friends. I have completed the builds and sadly neither one works. I am using a Raspberry Pi 3B for all three. Since I had a good one, I tried testing the known good boards from my old one with...
  3. J

    Can HeaterMeter calculate time to reach the target meat temperature?

    Seems like it should be possible to estimate the time for meat to reach the target temperature based on rate of temperature rise over time. Is this something that anyone has looked at. Seems like a prediction algorithm could get more accurate as the temperature approaches the target. Jeff
  4. J

    How to see the WEB UI from anywhere?

    Hi, I have my HeaterMeter running and I can see my device and graph in my browser on my local network. How do I see it if I am not at home? Jeff
  5. J

    How do I know my probes are accurate?

    Hi, I am trying out my newly built HeaterMeter today (Christmas). I am not using it yet to control a damper or a fan. Only to watch the temperatures of the grill and meat. I am also using a dual probe wireless thermometer sold by Big Green Egg to compare readings. I purchased a few different...
  6. J

    HeaterMeter isn't showing up online

    I got my heatermeter 4.3 built and running. I got it connected to my WIFI network as well, and yesterday, it was showing up on the website Today I went to show it off to my daughter and it never shows up on the website. I can go to the IP address of the...
  7. J

    Power on & test instructions

    Hi, I purchased and assembled my HeaterMeter 4.3 kit. So far I have not turned it on. I was looking around for some "bring-up" instructions or tutorial. I Have Raspberry Pi 3B with a 32G SD card. Found a 2.5A 12V power supply that fits the main Heatermeter board. Now what? Jeff
  8. J

    Help with fitting HeaterMeter to a Large Big Green Egg

    I am a Large BGE owner and I am the process of taking the plunge on HeaterMeter. I ordered the 4.3 kit with Thermocouple and fan from the HeaterMeter store. I ordered a WIFI adapter from the recommended list and will soon order the Maverick temperature probes (even though the reviews aren't...

