Search results

  1. M


    Since finding the website and reading the threads on cooking pizzas on the grill, it's something I've been wanting to try. I finally had the chance last night and it turned out pretty well. Not the best pizza I've ever had, but I used some applewood chunks along with the charcoal and it had a...
  2. M

    Some basics- oiling and cleaning

    I've been reading through some of the Weber documentation and it all says to oil the food you're going to cook rather than oil the grill. I've read on here many posters doing it the other way around. Does Weber have it wrong? What's the communal consensus on the topic? Cleaning the grill-...
  3. M


    Hi, new poster. I've got a Performer on order and I'd like to paint it. I figure it will be easiest to do when it's brand new. It seems like a pretty straightforward proposition, but I'm curious if anyone has tips or comments to add. I'm just planning to use some sand paper to lightly scuff...

