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  1. M

    Salmon missing its tan

    I've always found it hard to get any color on the topside of a salmon fillet or steak without overcooking it so now I take a different approach. I dress the top of it with a pile of spinach or kale sauteed in olive oil w/garlic and some feta or blue cheese on top of that until it melts a little.
  2. M

    Building a rack for a Pizza Stone

    I've been resting the charcoal baskets that came with my performer empty atop the grill grate and then the pizza stone on the charcoal baskets. It seems to work well enough for us
  3. M

    Recipe Request - Camping Coffee

    I HATE camping but our kids love it so we go every year as a neighborhood. I "survive" by making sure the food is good and that includes coffee. I bring a chemex brewer, filters and a bag of La Colombe "Louisiane" coffee. Heat the water on the camp stove and go to town, everyone always enjoys it.
  4. M

    GAS-ASSIST Performer Users....

    I just set up my chimney as if i were going to use a lighter (newspaper & coals), light the burner for what is supposed to be for the 10 seconds it takes for the paper to get going. I then proceed to get distracted by one of the kids, the dog, my wife, etc. and come back 10 minutes later to...
  5. M

    Looking for advice on smoking cheese.

    While this doesn't exactly answer your question, I had excellent results my first time smoking Gouda and Cheddar a week before New Year's Eve using a method I read about on this forum. I simply added one chunk of apple wood to two lit Kingsford Briquettes. I smoked it for two hours (I think)...
  6. M

    Weber 6492 Instant Read Thermometer

    I liked mine a lot but it stopped working after 3-4 months *edit* thanks for bringing this up, actually. It just made me search about replacing the battery.... turns out it is replaceable, I thought it was not.
  7. M

    which Weber performer?

    Definitely go with the gas assist. I put the chimney with paper in the bottom over the burner, light the burner and let it go for about 30 seconds, turn burner off and let the chimney do the work. Much easier than using a lighter.

