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  1. D

    Sending alerts with Pushbullet

    I saw today that Pushbullet now has a Pro option and they put limits on the free version. If you use Pushbullet for other things besides your cook, that may put you in the pro category which isn't cheap for what it provides. Let me know if there is another push notification service you'd like to...
  2. D

    OpenWRT Build file --- Error

    Nice! And I like your fix better than the way I was doing it with quilt.
  3. D

    OpenWRT Build file --- Error

    Were you able to check this out?
  4. D

    OpenWRT Build file --- Error

    I've been using pretty much the same script. When you load the image on the rPI and go to System -> Backup/Flash Firmware page, do you see the option to specify a URL for the new flash image? If its missing, then the Luci patches aren't being applied. Or at least this particular patch isn't...
  5. D

    OpenWRT Build file --- Error

    Thanks, Bryan. Love the unit. Great work! I rolled out 14.04 and ran through the compile again. Luci patches still aren't being applied but other than that, everything else seems to be in order.
  6. D

    OpenWRT Build file --- Error

    Ya. I started the build on 14.04 in a VM on a Macbook Air and ran into a bunch of problems plus it was slow. Had a 12.04 server online at the datacenter I work at and figured that would do. I'll rerun on 14.04 again and see if that cleans up any of the other problems I've been running in to.
  7. D

    OpenWRT Build file --- Error

    That was it. $ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install git $ git --version git version 2.6.2 Updating feed 'luci' from ';0.11.1' ...
  8. D

    OpenWRT Build file --- Error

    Hrm. Fresh download and I'm getting the error. Collecting package info: done Updating feed 'luci' from ';0.11.1' ... Cloning into './feeds/luci'... error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 408 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly failed. Lets see what...
  9. D

    Sending alerts with Pushbullet

    I liked the push notification option over email and SMS but Pushbullet isn't my go to service for push notifications. I modified the code base to instead allow a user to select from a list of push notification services. Currently there are two options. Pushbullet and Pushover. Its easy enough to...
  10. D

    OpenWRT Build file --- Error

    This did not work for me. Here is the original error that I received when using src-git luci;0.11.1 Updating feed 'luci' from ';0.11.1' ... Cloning into './feeds/luci'... error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 408 fatal...

