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  1. M

    Runaway temps? Cheap fix/long story....

    Ran across 38mm ping pong balls at discount drug mart of all places - $2.18 for six.
  2. M

    General 3D Printing Thread

    Dave, I purchased the same kit about a month back but have not had the time to start assembling it. Tom printed up the parts for me - lots of pieces. You also get a spool of filament with the kit. the shipping was fast from them, 3 days if I remember correctly. For the lcd they have an ebay...
  3. M

    General 3D Printing Thread

    Just placed my order with so will post back when I receive it. This HeaterMeter project is starting to get expensive :D
  4. M

    General 3D Printing Thread

    Paul, Have not ordered it, waiting on a reply from some questions I sent them them last Friday. If they do not reply I may look elsewhere but even at $101 shipping (gasp) it still seems a couple hundred less than anybody else for that type of printer and most do not include the plastic parts...
  5. M

    General 3D Printing Thread

    Thanks again
  6. M

    General 3D Printing Thread

    Thanks guys, I will skip the lcd/sd card and use the money for filament :D. One other quick question, would it be a smart thing to pick up some spare heating elements for the hotend (reprap). I see they have a bulk purchase of 10 for $29 which does not seem like a bad price.
  7. M

    General 3D Printing Thread

    Ok I have convinced myself that I really need a printer. Was ready to order to the one from Makerfarm but the link that Tom posted looks like a much sturdier design. Was wondering for those of you that have them do you use the lcd screen (is it worth the $50 extra) or do you just use your pc...
  8. M

    How many Heatermeter/Raspi built so far

    Just finished and booted mine so another +1. Took 2 days but this is my first pc project build. Few of the things I ran into/learned: Magnifying lamp a must with 59yo eyes - that board is small. :) A chisel tip on the iron is much better than the pointed one that comes with it. When you are...
  9. M

    WSM 18 Cover

    Oops - thought you meant lid - Jeff J has it correct.
  10. M

    WSM 18 Cover

  11. M

    LinkMeter v9 Release

    Hi Bryan, first thanks for all your work, one of the recent Pis from Amazon should have been me. Have not posted on the number of HeaterMeters link yet because still waiting for Mouser backorder parts. Never soldered a pc board before so picked up a $10 fm radio kit from Radio Shack to practice...
  12. M

    Edimax EW--7811Un on sale

    Backup as in on the shelf in case the first one goes belly up :) Thanks though.
  13. M

    Edimax EW--7811Un on sale

    Yep - ordered mine last Thursday. Oh well might order a backup one.

